How to reschedule a student for TABE testing

When a student failed to show up for the test on a given day, you will not be able to see the student name on the Schedule STS Test list in CIS-3G, so instead of going in to Schedule STS Test like you normally would to schedule a student, you will need to go into Reschedule STS Test this time to be able to reschedule them for the same test that they missed.

Follow the steps below to learn how to reschedule a student for a TABE test.

1. Log in to your CIS-3G account

2. Click on Menu > Testing > STS > Reschedule STS Test

3. Test Schedule Date > Test Schedule Loc / Time

4. Select a student or all of the student > Test Schedule Date > Test Schedule Loc / Time > Double arrow button

5. Click the Save button and you are done. Now just contact the student about the rescheduled test.

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